Business Intelligence

BI is the process in which the data generated from a business operation is collected, stored, integrated and analyzed to improve the decision making in the business.  Under this, companies use Business Analytics, Data Mining, Data Visualization, Data Tools and Infrastructure to locate Key Information, analyze them and access Crucial Information related to Business, and  Finally, information can be presented to the administration in the form of Reports, Chart or Graph in a user friendly manner.

Advantages of using Business Intelligence 

Faster & Accurate Reporting: - It can analyze a large amount of data at a much faster rate, making Accurate and real-time information available.    

Better Business Decision: - If the BI system is used, then the complete information related to the business comes out to the management, according to which the management can take appropriate steps and make decisions.

 Boost Productivity: the performance of task workers can be continuously monitored, this can also identify the areas where you need to work, or not just save time.  Not only this but the efficiency of the employees can also be increased.